The Beauty and Practicality of Solid Composite Plantation Shutters​

 Crafted from high-quality composite materials, these shutters are built to last. They are resistant to moisture, warping, and fading, making them suitable for high-humidity areas like kitchens and bathrooms.

At IWS Shutters and Blinds, we believe that every window in your home deserves elegance while maintaining functionality. That’s why we’re excited to talk about our Solid Composite Plantation Shutters, a stylish and eco-friendly window treatment option that will transform your living space. In this quick guide, we’ll explore how our shutters operate, why they’re eco-friendly, the numerous benefits they offer, and how IWS can enhance your window decor with a free in-home design consultation.

How Do Solid Composite Plantation Shutters Operate?

Solid Composite Plantation Shutters are designed to offer both beauty and practicality. They consist of hinged panels with adjustable louvers, allowing you to control the amount of light and privacy in your home. Here’s how they operate:

Light Control

Easily adjust the louvers to let in as much or as little light as you desire. You can enjoy diffused natural light during the day and complete privacy at night.


Solid Composite Plantation Shutters offer an excellent level of privacy, making them an ideal choice for bedrooms and bathrooms.


These shutters provide insulation benefits by reducing heat transfer through your windows, helping you maintain a comfortable indoor temperature year-round.


Crafted from high-quality composite materials, these shutters are built to last. They are resistant to moisture, warping, and fading, making them suitable for high-humidity areas like kitchens and bathrooms.

Eco-Friendly Window Treatments

At IWS Shutters and Blinds, we understand the importance of environmental responsibility. That’s why our Solid Composite Plantation Shutters are an eco-friendly choice for your home:

Sustainable Materials

These shutters are made from sustainable composite materials, reducing the demand for natural wood resources.

Energy Efficiency

By providing insulation and reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling, these shutters contribute to lower energy consumption and reduced carbon emissions.


Their durable construction ensures a longer lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing waste.


These shutters provide insulation benefits by reducing heat transfer through your windows, helping you maintain a comfortable indoor temperature year-round.

Benefits of Solid Composite Plantation Shutters

Choosing Solid Composite Plantation Shutters for your windows comes with an abundance of benefits:

Timeless Aesthetics

These shutters add a classic and timeless charm to any room, complementing various interior design styles.

Privacy and Security

Enjoy peace of mind knowing your home is secure and your privacy is protected.

Energy Efficiency

Reduce your energy bills and lessen your carbon footprint with the added insulation provided by these shutters.

Easy Maintenance

Cleaning is a breeze with these shutters. Simply wipe them down with a damp cloth to keep them looking pristine.

Increased Home Value

Solid Composite Plantation Shutters are considered an attractive feature by potential homebuyers, which can increase the resale value of your property.

IWS Shutters & Blinds: Your Window Decor Experts

At IWS Shutters and Blinds, we are committed to helping you achieve the perfect window decor for your home. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing you with a tailored solution that fits your style and needs. We offer free in-home design consultations, where our experts will assess your space, discuss your preferences, and help you choose the ideal Solid Composite Plantation Shutters or other window treatments. This personalized service ensures that your windows receive the attention they deserve, resulting in a stunning transformation of your living space. Contact us today to schedule your free in-home design consultation and take the first step towards enhancing your windows and your home.

Free Design Consultation

We’d love to help you find the best window treatment needs for your home or office. We are pleased to offer a hassle-free design consultation. This consultation is in-home or office with one of our professional in-house designers.